Winter gardening ideas

In the modern world of lockdowns and restrictions, the garden can be a wonderful little escape from the monotony of daily life. While you might think of gardening as a summer hobby there are many wonderful ways that you can make your garden look appealing and exciting through the colder months of the year. You can also help prepare it for the coming summer so it’s in the best shape possible when the sun finally does hit. These ideas will inspire you to continue caring for your garden throughout the winter so you have less work to do in the spring.

Plants will be the main focus of your garden and luckily there are several things you can do to ensure a colourful winter and good spring and summer. The first is to plant some flowers that can survive our wintry weather. For example, plants such as pansies, cyclamen, and evergreens will add colour to your garden all year round. Once you’ve planted some winter flowers take the time to think of plants that you will want to see in the spring and summer. Spring flowers such as daffodils and tulips need to be planted in the autumn ready for a spring bloom, so pick spots and get them in the ground nice and early.

The winter will be too early to plant summer bloomers but if you had a lovely garden last summer and want to continue with the same colours next year consider digging up and storing the bulbs through the winter so you can replant them in the spring without having to go and buy new plants. Any existing plants you have that will survive the winter also need to be protected so prune them to remove any dead leaves or stems and consider using horticultural fleeces (bubble wrap works too!) around plants that are susceptible to the weather to help them survive the winter.

Now that the plants are done it’s time to think about the grass. Rake it as often as you can to promote drainage and remove any moss and leaf litter. Be sure to save the leaves you rake up and use them effectively by placing them in a bag and letting them rot. After a year or two they’ll become a great compost base ready for the summer. Once the lawn is clear consider if the grass will still need cutting. Depending on where you live you might find it grows well into the autumn. Also, be sure to repair any damage to the lawn with a grass feed to promote winter growth.

sets from garden leading to house

Finally, it’s time to consider your tools and miscellaneous items such as a BBQ. Always make sure everything is cleaned properly before it’s stored, and consider purchasing breathable covers for items like outdoor furniture or the BBQ to make sure it’s properly protected if you can’t place them in a shed. If you have a gazebo or large umbrellas be sure to remove them before the winter weather becomes too bad as they will become a pretty big hazard in windy conditions.

Now you’re armed with some winter gardening tips it’s time to get out there and make sure your garden is perfect all year round.

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If you would like to find out about the garden decking we offer, get in touch today on 01344 886 331 or head over to our contact page for more details.